New Beginnings Within
Happy 2019! As we start a new year we could talk about resolutions or new beginnings or we could talk about how the body can also start anew. For example…
Did you know that Red Blood Cells (RBCs) repopulate themselves about every 120 days – that’s a New Year’s celebration three times a year!
RBC’s are an amazing and critical aspect in your body. RBC’s are able to squeeze by bending and adjusting through your small capillary network and circulatory system. The main component of RBCs is hemoglobin, which is an iron-containing oxygen-transporter inside the RBC. It is within the RBC that oxygen is carried throughout the body to be used by cell mitochondria for ATP (energy!) production. Thus, it is critical for ensure your RBCs are functioning optimally to allow your body the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function.
Hemoglobin within the RBCs is also used to transport carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood to the lungs where you expel the unneeded CO2. Carbon dioxide is produced in the cells of your body in order to break down the food that you eat. The types of foods you consume are critical at the cellular structure as it is these foods and the nutrients in them that allow you to produce energy to function on a daily basis – whether it’s to get out of bed in the morning, exercise or to enjoy laughter filled meal with family and friends.
Another extremely important aspect that have been shown to have a new beginning is your microbiome. The microbiome is comprised of bugs with in your intestines. These bugs have been shown to be negatively impacted in as short as three days of eating a refined Standard American Diet (SAD).
But don’t worry, you aren’t doomed if you are coming off of the holidays having eaten too much sugar, desserts and alcohol. Studies have also shown the reverse can occur – by eating 3 days of a nutrient-dense, health promoting and energy producing diet, you can positively impact your gut’s microbiome. Not that 3 days of eating healthy will eliminate the years of consuming too much sugar and processed foods, but it’s one step in the right direction to improve your gut’s ecosystem and positively impact body throughout.
Why is it important to maintain a diverse and health promoting microbiome? We know the health of the individual’s gut has profound impacts on the individual’s brain function, immune system and other areas throughout the body. To learn more about your microbiome, read Healthy Gut, a Healthier You.
When was last time you had your blood work analyzed? It may not be as exciting as fireworks, but it’s an important part of monitoring your health to help ensure your body is performing optimally – whether it’s the first day of the year or any of the other 364 days.
Having your complete blood work run and comparing them with your signs, symptoms, health goals, and nutrition and lifestyle factors can provide you insight to the wonderful new beginnings that can occur in 2019.
To a happy and healthy new year!
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